Thursday, February 27, 2014

Multimodality & StoryBoard


Multimodality is the meaning-making via audio, visual, and textual representations. The mixture of these modes (a.k.a media, elements, mediums, etc) create a single artifact of information. It weighs the itty-bitty details of each mode - the angles of the visual, the semiotics of text, the pitch of the audio. All of these distinctions play into the perception of the product at hand. In general, multimodality is an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding communication and representation (Bezemer, J. (2012)). 

The three theoretical frameworks to multimodality include: 

  • Representations derive from the use of multiple modes (i.e. nonverbal cues, spatial elements, dimensional representations) to create meaning.
  • Multiple modes are socially and culturally influenced and therefore, meaning is agreed upon the community context. 
  • Individuals create multimodal representations purposefully within norms, motivation, and interests in the social context. 
Below, I tried to create a video to illustrate what multimodality is and its theoretical concepts.

Activity 2: Storyboard for MMP

This is a storyboard in a form of an "ad" to the GBCS Youth in Action website. Here is the video to show what my MMP project is about - which is to document the research process of the after school program.

As a side note, the "Poof!" scenes are supposed to be the change scene cue.

Other side note: The website is actually

Here are my drawings: (Note that a few slides are not in order so be wary of the #s and arrows for its proper alignment)

Other side note: The website is actually

Friday, February 21, 2014

Blog Post #5

Activity 1: Color Echo

Activity 2: Border Variations

Activity 3:Typographic Conveyence 

Shred - Centaur  
lightly - Edwardian script ITC                                     
atom - andalus 
brick - castellar 
pillow - gill sans ultra bold  
XXL - Berlin Sans FB Demi 

Experience on Activities Video:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Elements and Principles of Design with Images

White Space Activity 1: Elements & Principles in Photograph Analysis 

  • About the Photo
  • Title: Amateur contest for children Final eliminations, Sept. 24, 1936.
  • Creator(s): Levine, Estelle, artist
  • Date Created/Published: [New York : Federal Art Project], 1936.
  • Medium: 1 print on board (poster) : silkscreen, color.
  • Summary: Poster announcing amateur piano contest, showing two girls playing piano.Source:



There is a right amount of space on this poster; even the girl's extended leg fits neatly in the space. The spaces are uneven in all four corners and its irregularity creates a playful and comfortable feel to the poster. 


There are straight and curvy lines throughout the images and font. The combination continues to bring a playful tone to the image. Most of the lines are slanted with a positive slope and also brings a friendly tone to it. It provides an informal tone and almost illustrates the essence of music- how it is not straight forward and a bit quirky. 


The shapes of the dresses yields to an inorganic shape, a perfect circle. The tops of the girls' heads and hands are also similar to a circle. To me, I think that the first shape that the child learns to draw is a circle, albeit, not a perfect circle. The popularity of circles in this poster, as illustrated in the font as well, supports the child-focused theme of the poster. 


The grand piano, being the largest, grabs one's attention first, then, it would be the girls playing at the piano. The size of the piano illustrates that the amateur contest will be about music, specifically, with the piano. it does not even need to be described via text; it is described visually. The poster's sizing of the piano did an effective job embedding event information through visuals. 


There isn't really a pattern in this poster except for the duplicated style of another girl. With that, it adds minor familiarity to the piece. 


The background has a texture of a chalkboard, again, bringing out the theme of children as we may associate the chalkboard as a classroom and therefore, with children. The texture may also be of watercolor and its uneven gradience may note the amateur skill of children (due to lack of practice, not implying inheritance).


There is a light and dark contrast with the dark piano and light objects, background and font around it. This brings focus onto the piano. And considering that there aren't many tones for each color (1 shade of yellow, 2 shades of blue, and 2 shades of brown), there isn't much depth to the poster. Although the text may pop, there the objects come off as 2D. The 2D effect also provides a friendly and informal tone to whole image. 


  • Rule 1: have one - CHECKED (piano)
  • Rule 2: have only one - CHECKED (only piano)

  • Value - CHECKED (light & dark)
  • Lines - CHECKED  (makes rotated perpendicular lines)
  • Colors - CHECKED (blue & yellow are opp. colors on the color wheel; i.e. complementary colors)

Asymmetry is positively slanted which creates an lively and upbeat feel to it. It makes it more visually exciting and visually interesting. 


There are no visible signs of movement but the asymmetry and slanted image creates a lively tone to it. It's almost as if the lines of the image creates movement rather than with a blurred effect. 


Color tones are repeated which gives off a "rhythmic a backbeat" (Golombisky & Hagen, 2010, p.53). Ex: The same yellow shade is in the text from alternate sides, girl A's dress, girl A's shoe, and girl B's hair, all with similar spacing from each other. 


Atmospheric perspective: The foreground images (piano, chair, the girls) have a darker richer value than the washed-up pale-blue background. This creates the depth of what is viewed closer in the bird's eye view. 


Everything does look like they go together. Even the extended leg of the girl in a yellow dress looks like it belongs there. The extensive occupies the largest space in the poster which then makes it similar to the other spaces. 


I really like this design - the overall tone of the poster gives me slight smile and a curious feeling. I am impressed that even the designers from the early 1900's got it right - so design is not some sort of new field - it's been here from the start of media! 

White Space Activity 2: Comparing Social Media Websites
Venn Diagram of Facebook's and Twitter's Website Design: grid structure 


Facebook (1)
All 5 columns has content.

Twitter (1)
The use of 3 columns from the center creates a simple and clean feel to the website.
                                                                           Facebook (1)
So many visuals make the website look cluttered. Also, which visual is important? Ads or other users' content?

Twitter (2)
Surprisingly, there were no ads! Only visuals posted from other users.

I didn't realize how Facebook's design is not that visually appealing - especially with the abundance of ads. The large visuals of ads in the news feed and on the side bars can make the material distracting and diminishes the social focus. I feel that because Facebook is very popular and that I have used it for years made me a "Facebook fan" (i.e. I go on Facebook daily) and therefore, accept its design no matter how cluttered with ads it is. Twitter, on the other hand, is less cluttered and visually appealing. The content is from followed users and all of the information about your account seems to just be there. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Putting Multimedia Design Skills to the TEST

Blog #3:

Required Activity: Analyze a Website:

Activity 1: Edit your OWN multimedia.

Chosen multimedia: My default welcoming profile pic (on one of these sites)

       (Before)                                       (After) 
        (design ignorance)                                                      (design skill attempt #1!)

This probably doesn't look like it took a lot of time... but it did... (yeah, I'm a bit upset with myself). Anyways, I originally had this photo up as the front slide of an introduction power-point that I had to share with another GSE course. I then adopted this picture as one of my default profile pictures for one of the sites (which site? Idk.. there's too many to keep track of now). Now, the following will be my explanation to my edits:

  • Erased background --> distracting & no value 
  • Blue color added --> next to the green in color wheel to complement(that's not the word, is it) one another.
  • Border added --> to enclose the whole image
  • Dashed lines --> aesthetics 
  • Enlarged bubble --> the focus of the visual is my greeting and name 
  • Nothing centered --> purposeful, a lesson learned from DBI text
Activity 2: Mini-Composition - draw at least a dozen rectangular borders and fill it with geometric shapes 


This was a nice activity away from the computer...